11 December 2010
3 December 2010
Un parinte si 328 de copii
Asociatia Parintelui Tanase:
Cont IBAN in lei: RO42 RNCB 0211 0118 4390 0001
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CUI: 7250977
28 November 2010
2 August 2010
Pasari...pe portativ
Birds on wires
Din Sinaxare - Adormirea Maicii Domnului
La Adormirea Maicii Domnului
Acatistul Adormirii Maicii Domnului (Grupul Teofilos)
Marian Moise - Cantari Adormirea Maicii Domnului
Acatistul Adormirii Maicii Domnului
Rugăciunile începătoare, obligatorii:
În numele Tatălui şi al Fiului şi al Sfântului Duh. Amin
Slavă Ţie, Dumnezeul nostru, Slavă Ţie!
Împărate ceresc, Mângâietorule, Duhul adevărului, Care pretutindeni eşti şi toate le plineşti,Vistierul bunătăţilor şi Dătătorule de viaţă, vino şi Te sălăşluieşte întru noi şi ne curăţeşte de toată întinăciunea şi mântuieşte, Bunule, sufletele noastre.
4 February 2010
USB 3.0 knoking at the door (February 2010)
More and more IT providers speak about USB 3.0. But wat will bring USB 3.0?
A lot of speed compared to USB 2.0, from 480 megabits/s for USB 2.0 to 4.8 gigabits/s. Therefore a lot of speed for external devices in the near future. I think especially at extenal HDD, memory sticks, memory cards,
video cameras, digital photo cameras.Some companies already started to use this technology.USB 3.0 will be more accessible to all of us after the main producers of motherboards will begin to use it. But the increasing speed seems to convince them. Therefore 2010-2011 will be the years when USB 3.0 will be more and more used by a variety of devices.
USB 3.0 facts:
· extra speed - 4,8 Gbps;
· compatibility with USB 2.0;
· bidirectional transfer;
· extra energy for charging USB devices (900 mA; was 500mA for USB 2.0);
· better management for resources and devices.
17 January 2010
Pomelo - the grandfather of grapefruit
Pomelo comes from Malaysia and is really the largest of all citrus – up to 25cm in diameter. A typical pomelo is weighting 1-2 kg. The ones that I bought were around 1-1,5 kg.
The enveloping membranous around the fruit is bitter ;).
The fruit is light yellow and is juicy or a bit dry, but tastes sweeter than the younger relative – the grapefruit. But pomelo is not as bitter as grapefruit.
Anyway it depends very much on your luck or buying know-howJ.
Culinary uses – same as grapefruit. I prefer it as it is. But the cuisine is vast and I can present you some examples – fruit with sugar, fruit salad…The peel of the pomelo is used in marmalade (best usage!) or dipped in chocolate/ candied/ as an ingredient for sweet soups in Chinese cousine.
You can find in your supermarkets especially in winter.
By night ...
Winter Time :)
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